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Welcome to Ms. Lartz's Classroom Website, a place for students and parents to find information and extra resources to help continue the learning at home. 

Math I

Honors Precalculus

Office Hours:

Monday 7:50-8:20am

Tuesday 7:50-8:20am

Wednesday 7:50-8:20am

Thursday 7:50-8:20am

Lunches by appointment

Friday Math Workshops 

Quiz Retake Policy:

Students will be allowed to re-take quizzes up to two weeks after the quiz is handed back. Deadlines for each quiz retake will be announced when students take the original quiz. Re-takes are not allowed during normal class periods. Students will need to sign up for a time during office hours to retake a quiz.


To retake a quiz, you must:

  1. Correct their original quiz, using the Quiz Correction form for each question that they completed incorrectly.

  2. Complete at least two other remediation activities. The options for these are listed on the class website. The activities students chose must correspond to the lessons that students struggled to master, based on their first quiz results. Remediation activities include:

    1. Delta Math- Practice activities online that give students immediate feedback on their work. The requirements per activity for this depend on the quiz and will be listed in the title line of the Delta Math entry. 

    2. Attend a Friday workshop for help on the skills from the quiz they are trying to retake.

  3. Complete a Request to Retake Form. Copies of this can be found in the classroom or on the class website.

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